• principalgpjajpur@rediffmail.com
  • 9438588644


Approved by A.I.C.T.E ,New Delhi & Affiliated to the SCTE & VT,Odisha

& Under the DTE&T, Odisha & SD&TE Department, Govt. of Odisha

ସରକାରୀ ବହୁମୁଖୀ ବୈଷୟିକ ଶିକ୍ଷାନୁଷ୍ଠାନ, ରଗଡି, ଯାଜପୁର


To be a leading diploma institution in the state, offering quality education in respective streams and providing innovative as well as productive learning environment so as to enable students to cope with the ever changing engineering needs.


  1. To improve the quality of physical infrastructure and human resources to make this institution a centre of excellence in engineering education.

  2. To provide technical knowledge as well as skills required to operate machine tools and equipments.

  3. To accelerate and optimize the effective and economical use of the resources.

  4. To Maintain Relation with Industries for mutual benefit and for imparting practical exposure to the students.

  5. To motivate and train students to achieve career goals in different engineering fields.

Admission Open for the Year 2024-25