• principalgpjajpur@rediffmail.com
  • 9438588644


Approved by A.I.C.T.E ,New Delhi & Affiliated to the SCTE & VT,Odisha

& Under the DTE&T, Odisha & SD&TE Department, Govt. of Odisha

ସରକାରୀ ବହୁମୁଖୀ ବୈଷୟିକ ଶିକ୍ଷାନୁଷ୍ଠାନ, ରଗଡି, ଯାଜପୁର

  1. All types Instructional activities, Review of quality assurance for teaching & learning activities, extracurricular activities, industrial visits, expert lectures, Continuing Education programs, Students examination and periodical assessment, Development activities Disciplines offered.

  2. It is desirable to have uniform policy and procedures for all the departments in the institute while implementing the curriculum.

  3. To act as coordinator in the matter of affiliation/ approval / accreditation of SCTE&VT/ AICTE/NBA etc.

  4. Academic co-ordinator is a key person to decide and adopt uniform procedures.

  5. Monitoring all advertisements for PTGF & PTGLA

  6. Coordination with departments

  7. Implementation of Various polices of AICTE

  8. Regular visit of Department for Academic Review

  9. Conduct Monthly Meetings

  10. Instructional activities, Review of quality assurance for teaching & learning activities, extracurricular activities, industrial visits, expert lectures, Continuing Education programs, Students examination and periodical assessment, Development activities Disciplines offered.

Admission Open for the Year 2024-25